Wednesday 20 September 2017

New Addiction

Sometimes peer pressure can be a good thing. I don't mean bullying. I mean actual peers with whom I share a mutual respect, pushing me outside of my comfort zone for my own good. My one friend did not give me a choice and told me I would be participating in the Mudmoiselle 5K obstacle course this year.

So we did a little bit of running training over 6 weeks, but I was not ready for all the climbing! Man were my arms sore the next day.

Of course, I had to commemorate this event through nail art:

Not accurate to how muddy my nails were post-run
My nails have the Canadian Cancer Society logo with a li'l bit of mud around the edges. But trust, the real mud was EVERYWHERE.

And here is the first of many participation medals coming my way:

Participation Medal 2017
At first I did one design of some of the obstacles, but I wasn't proud of it. Once again, peer pressure made me share it.

Index: Bale of hay. Middle: Tires. Ring: See-saw. Pinky: MUD.
Some friendships are good for comfort: playing Super Smash Bros. in the basement while stuffing your face with burnt popcorn. Others are good for learning new things about yourself: I found a new addiction to 5k obstacle courses.

I now have all winter to train before the next obstacle season. To the gym! 

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